Showing posts with label algorithms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label algorithms. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

Gurobi Optimizer

Gurobi stack consists of various modules in Python (Gurobipy) & other languages for solving Optimization problems. Think of scheduling, routing, cost minimization, profit maximization, flow decision, OR, assignment and so on. They have all the classical Linear Programming, ILP, Greedy, Constrained Optimization type algos properly implemented & ready for use at scale.

Off late they are fusing Mathematical Optimizations with AI to yield much better modules. Their stack includes Neural Nets, DNN, Differential Programming, Simulators, Reinforcement Learning and all the other tools required to fuse ML & Optimization. They also have hardware & cloud offerings now. These can be good places to start of by uploading modules that need to be optimized on demand. The output results can be integrated within applications/ workflows.   

Friday, April 17, 2020

Analysis of Deaths Registered In Delhi Between 2015 - 2018

The Directorate of Economics and Statistics & Office of Chief Registrar (Births & Deaths), Government of National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi annually publishes its report on registrations of births and deaths that have taken place within the NCT of Delhi. The report, an overview of the Civil Registration System (CRS) in the NCT of Delhi, is a source of very useful stats on birth, deaths, infant mortality and so on within the Delhi region.

The detailed reports can be downloaded in the form of pdf files from the website of the Department of Economics and Statistics, Delhi Government. Anonymized, cleaned data is made available in the form of tables in Section Titled "STATISTICAL TABLES" in the pdf files. The births and deaths data is aggregated by attributes like age, profession, gender, etc.


In this article, an analysis has been done of tables D-4 (DEATHS BY SEX AND MONTH OF OCCURRENCE (URBAN)), D-5 (DEATHS BY TYPE OF ATTENTION AT DEATH (URBAN)), & D-8 (DEATHS BY AGE, OCCUPATION AND SEX (URBAN)) from the above pdfs. Data from for the four years 2015-18 (presently downloadable from the department's website) has been used from these tables for evaluating mortality trends in Delhi for the three most populous Urban districts of North DMC, South DMC & East DMC for the period 2015-18. 


1) Cyclic Trends: Data for absolute death counts for period Jan-2015 to Dec-2018 is plotted in table "T1: Trends 2015-18". Another view of the same data is as monthly percentage of annual shown in table "T-2: Month/ Year_Total %".

Both tables clearly show that there is a spike in the number of deaths in the colder months of Dec to Feb. About 30% of all deaths in Delhi happen within these three months. The percentages are fairly consistent for both genders and across all 3 districts of North, South & East DMCs.

As summer sets in from March the death percentages start dropping. Reaching the lowest points below 7% monthly for June & July as the monsoons set in. Towards the end of monsoons, a second spike is seen around Aug/ Sep followed by a dip in Oct/ Nov before the next winters when the cyclic trends repeat.


Trends reported above are also seen with moving averages, plotted in Table "T-3: 3-Monthly Moving Avg", across the three districts and genders. Similar trends, though not plotted here, are seen in the moving averages of other tenures (such as 2 & 4 months).

2) Gender Differences: In terms of differences between genders, far more deaths of males as compared to females were noted during the peak winters on Delhi between 2015-18. This is shown in table "T4: Difference Male & Female".

From a peak gap of about 1000 in the colder months it drops to about 550-600 range in the summer months, particularly for the North & South DMCs. A narrower gap is seen the East DMC, largely attributable to its smaller population size as compared to the other two districts.

Table "T5: Percentage Male/ Female*100" plots the percentage of male deaths to females over the months. The curves of the three districts though quite wavy primarily stay within the rough band of 1.5 to 1.7 times male deaths as compared to females. The spike of the winter months is clearly visible in table T5 as well.    

3) Cross District Differences in Attention Type: Table "T6: Percentage Attention Type" plots the different form of Attention Type (hospital, non-institutional, doctor/ nurse, family, etc.) received by the person at the time of death.

While in East DMC, over 60% people were in institutional care the same is almost 20% points lower for North & South DMCs. For the later two districts the percentage for No Medical Attention received has remained consistently high, the South DMC being particularly high over 40%.

4) Vulnerable Age: Finally, a plot of the vulnerable age groups is shown in table "T7: Age 55 & Above". A clear spike in death rates is seen in the 55-64 age group, perhaps attributable to the act of retirement from active profession & subsequent life style changes. The gender skewness within the 55-64 age group may again be due to the inherent skewness in the workforce, having far higher number of male workers, who would be subjected to the effects of retirement. This aspect could be probed further from other data sources.

Age groups in-between 65-69 show far lower mortality rates as they are perhaps better adjusted and healthier. Finally, a spike is seen in the number of deaths in the super senior citizens aged 70 & above, which must be largely attributable to their advancing age resulting in frail health.


The analysis in this article was done using data published by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics & Office of Chief Registrar (Births & Deaths), Government of National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi annually on registrations of births and deaths within the NCT of Delhi. Data of mortality from the three most populous districts of North DMC, South DMC and East DMC of Delhi were analysed. Some specific monthly, yearly and age group related trends are reported here.

The analysis can be easily performed over the other districts of Delhi, as well as for data from current years as and when those are made available by the department. The data may also be used for various modeling and simulation purposes and training machine learning algorithms. A more real-time sharing of raw (anonymized, aggregated) data by the department via api's or other data feeds may be looked at in the future. These may prove beneficial for the research and data science community who may put the data to good use for public health and welfare purposes.


Downloadable Datasheets For Analysis:

Friday, February 28, 2020

Defence R&D Organisation Young Scientists Lab (DYSL)

Recently there was quite a lot of buzz in the media about the launch of DRDO Young Scientists Lab (DYSL). 5 such labs have been formed by DRDO each headed by a young director under the age of 35! Each lab has its own specialized focus area from among fields such as AI, Quantum Computing, Cognitive Technologies, Asymmetric Technologies and Smart Materials.

When trying to look for specifics on what these labs are doing, particularly the AI lab, there is very little to go by for now. While a lot of information about the vintage DRDO Centre of AI and Robotics (CAIR) lab is available on the DRDO website, there's practically nothing there regarding the newly formed DRDO Young Scientists Lab on AI (DYSL-AI). Neither are the details available anywhere else in the public domain, till end-Feb 2020 atleast. While these would certainly get updated soon for now there are just these interviews with the directors of the DYSL labs:

  • Doordarshan's Y-Factor Interview with the 5 DYSL Directors Mr. Parvathaneni Shiva Prasad, Mr. Manish Pratap Singh, Mr. Ramakrishnan Raghavan, Mr. Santu Sardar, Mr. Sunny Manchanda

  • Rajya Sabha TV Interview with DYSL-AI Director Mr. Sunny Manchanda

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Real-time Face Reading

The machines getting better and better at face reading. Ancient mystics have another reason to worry. Won't be long before recommendation engines of various kinds get built that leverage this sort of technology.

More about algorithms in this space to follow..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Trees and Graphs

Useful things to know about the trees and graphs based data structures:

  • Binary Trees Vs. Binary Search Trees
  • 2,4 and Red Black
  • AVL
  • Tries
  • Heaps
  • B & B+ Trees
& these:
  • BFS, DFS
  • Sorting - Quick, Merge, Radix, Timsort
  • Kruskal's & Prim's algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees
  • Morris Traversal, without extra space or recursion, using Threaded Binary Trees
  • Djikstra's algorithm for shortest path
  • Topological sorting
That horses for courses is applicable:

The big-O deal:

With Java, well tested implementations are mostly available:
  • TreeSet
  • TreeMap
  • LinkedHashMap
  • ConcurrentSkipListMap
  • PriorityQueue