Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Uploading Large Files In Chunks To Amazon S3

A collection of best practices based on my experience building a scaled out solution for the server side file upload handler.

1. Authentication/ Authorization

2. Chunking

3. Stateless upload & Session

4. Shared memory for post file operations

5. Retries & Failover

6. Bulk operations

To be completed.. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Autovue Jump To Page

Autovue is a browser based document viewing & markup application.  
To open up a specific page of a document in the viewer simply set up an ONINIT javascript call back method via the applet param.

You can get more info on this from the Advanced Scripting Functionality section of the InstallConfigGuideCS of Oracle Autovue. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Atomic Updates via SolrNet

As of today the SolrNet api doesn't offer atomic updates to be issued to a running Solr server. While the Solrnet api is supposed to offer this feature sometime in the future, the following alternative can be used in the interim.

1. Build a custom atomic update XML message:

(See: for more details)

2. Get hold of the connection object (via ServiceLocator):

3. Issue a call to Solr via the connection object:

Will be adding sample code snippets soon..