Friday, March 1, 2013

Atomic Updates via SolrNet

As of today the SolrNet api doesn't offer atomic updates to be issued to a running Solr server. While the Solrnet api is supposed to offer this feature sometime in the future, the following alternative can be used in the interim.

1. Build a custom atomic update XML message:

(See: for more details)

2. Get hold of the connection object (via ServiceLocator):

3. Issue a call to Solr via the connection object:

Will be adding sample code snippets soon..


  1. Thanks for this. Works a treat.

    Of course, risking stating the obvious, since you're using some sort of DI, don't bother with ServiceLocator; rather, just inject ISolrConnection and you'll have your connection without having to construct/determine the connection string etc. In addition, you'll need to _solr.Commit() following.

    1. Glad that it helps. With DI, as you rightly pointed out, ServiceLocator wouldn't be necessary.

      On the bit about commit, I'd suggest configuring soft & auto commits appropriately on Solr 4.x side. This ends up being a design trade off between visibility & durability. Here's a good explanation on it from Erick:

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