Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Redmine Project Management Tool

In trying to find an Open source Agile project management tool, somewhat of an alternative to Rally, chanced upon Redmine. The initial feel of the tool has been good so far.

Needed somewhat of an integrated tool that would allow various teams to collaborate. Redmine does well on this count as it has a task tracker, bug tracker, knowledge repository (file/ document management and wiki), all rolled in to one.

Additionally, we have been able to migrate our bugs and user accounts from Bugzilla, to get off the ground quick. Now it is about letting rubber hit the road, and having the teams to start working with Redmine. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

SolrNet Separate Highlighting Query - hl.q

Solr allows highlighting of matched sections in field values.  There are several parameters that can be set by the caller to adjust the highlighting behaviour.

SolrNet, a library to connect to Solr from dot net applications, also has HighlightingParameters exposed in SolrNet core library. However, not all/ a very small subset of parameters are currently exposed.

Recently needed to use the hl.q query, to issues a separate/ more specific highlighting query to Solr. The work around was to make use of the ExtraParams option, from the base CommonQueryOptions class.

The same approach could be used for any of the other parameters not exposed by SolrNet, such ais hl.BoundaryScanner, per field highlighting, maxScan, etc., essentially all the 3.5x onward features mentioned on the Solr Highlighting wiki.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Php Script To Display Process, Vmstat, Disk Usage, Syslog Of A Linux Server Via A Browser

A Php script that executes some standard shell programs for monitoring resource utilization & processes on a given Linux box. The script directs the output to a web-browser.

Apache web-server should be installed on the server.  To run copy the script to the  DocumentRoot (/var/www/html). Appropriate execute rights (-rw-x) need to be given to the apache user (which runs this script, but is not the owner) to execute this Php file & to be able to access /var/log/syslog.

Save this file as: showHealth.php in the /var/www/html folder: