Showing posts with label S3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S3. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Upload to Amazon S3 Bucket via Signed Url with Server Side Encryption

Continuing further from my previous post on upload & download from Amazon S3 bucket via signed url's, here is how to enable Server Side Encryption (SES) with the file being uploaded to S3.

Add a x-amz-server-side-encryption request parameter with the GeneratePresignedUrlRequest before getting the signed url:

Monday, April 1, 2013

Upload and Download from Amazon AWS S3 Bucket via Signed Url

While the code snippets are using the Java AWS SDKs, principally these will work with the other SDKs as well.

1. Get hold of FederatedCredentials using your AWS credentials:

Pass in proper access Policy settings for the FederatedCredentials on the S3 Bucket and/ or Item.


For Download you could additionally set up ResponseHeaderOverrides for withContentDisposition, ContentType, etc.

2. Get BasicSessionCredentials using the Federated Credentials

3. Generate GeneratePresignedUrlRequest

4. Finally, generate a pre-signed url via the S3Client object:

5. To test this:
- Download:
Get the url.toString() & hit it from a browser

- Upload:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Uploading Large Files In Chunks To Amazon S3

A collection of best practices based on my experience building a scaled out solution for the server side file upload handler.

1. Authentication/ Authorization

2. Chunking

3. Stateless upload & Session

4. Shared memory for post file operations

5. Retries & Failover

6. Bulk operations

To be completed..