Showing posts with label OR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OR. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

Gurobi Optimizer

Gurobi stack consists of various modules in Python (Gurobipy) & other languages for solving Optimization problems. Think of scheduling, routing, cost minimization, profit maximization, flow decision, OR, assignment and so on. They have all the classical Linear Programming, ILP, Greedy, Constrained Optimization type algos properly implemented & ready for use at scale.

Off late they are fusing Mathematical Optimizations with AI to yield much better modules. Their stack includes Neural Nets, DNN, Differential Programming, Simulators, Reinforcement Learning and all the other tools required to fuse ML & Optimization. They also have hardware & cloud offerings now. These can be good places to start of by uploading modules that need to be optimized on demand. The output results can be integrated within applications/ workflows.