Monday, August 12, 2024

To Mock a Cloud

Cloud hosting has been the norm for a while now. Saas, Paas, Iaas, serverless, AI whatever the form may be, organizations (org) need to have a digital presence on the cloud. 

Cloud vendors offer hundreds of features and services such as 24x7 availability, fail-safe, load-balanced, auto-scaling, disaster resilient distributed, edge-compute, AI/ Ml clusters, LLMs, Search, Database, Datawarehouses among many others right off-the-shelf. They additionally provide a pay-as-you-go model only for the services being used. Essentially everything that any org could ask for today & in the future!

But it's not all rosy. The cloud bill (even though pay-as-you-go) does burn a hole in the pockets. While expenses for the live production (prod) environment is necessary, costs for the other dev, test, etc, internal environments could be largely reduced by replacing the real Cloud with a Mock Cloud. This would additionally, speed up dev and deployment times and make bug fixes and devops much quicker & streamlined.

As dev's know mocks, emulators, etc are only as good as their implementation - how true they are to the real thing. It's a pain to find new/ unknown bugs on the prod only because it's an env very different from dev/ test. Which dev worth his weight in salt (or gold!) hasn't seen this ever?

While using containers to mock up cloud services was the traditional way of doing it, a couple of recent initiatives like Localstack, Moto, etc seem promising. Though AWS focussed for now, support for others are likely soon. Various AWS services like s3, sns, sqs, ses, lambda, etc are already supported at different levels of maturity. So go explore mocks for cloud & happy coding!

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