Sunday, January 22, 2012

Java Generics PECS & Get-Put Principle, Non-Reifiable Types & Erasure, Covariance & Contravariance

Joshua Bloch's in the book Effective Java has introduced the PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super) mnemonic for managing type hierarchies via Java Generics, i.e. Covariance & Contravariance for Generics.

Covariance & Contravariance

Covariance is a subtyping principle where a child/ sub-type can be used in place of parent/ super-type. In Java land this is seen with Arrays, Method Overriding (Java 5 onwards) & Generics Extends.

Contravariance is the reverse, where a parent/ super-type can be used in place of a sub-type. In Java, contravariance is seen with Generics Super.


Now coming back to PECS, also referred to as the Get-Put, principle of Generics. The key thing about PECS is that it is defined from the persepective of the Collection object in focus, and not the caller/ client using the Collection object.

Case 1: When the Collection is being used to retrieve existing (previously added) data, from the Collection's perspective it is a Producer of data. As per PECS it needs to Extend.
The caller in this case can be sure that results have objects who's parent is MyParent. So the caller can safely iterate over results as an immutable collection of MyParent objects.

However, any kind of addition into the Collection <? extends MyParent> is unsafe. MyParent can have any number of subtypes (MyChild1, MyChild2, etc.) and there is no way for the caller application to know this specific subtype. So at this stage any addition is not allowed.

Case 2: When the Collection is being used to store new data, from the Collection's perspective it is a Consumer of data. As per PECS it needs to define Super.

Type Erasure & Non-Reifiable Nature of Generics

Java Generics is implemented through erasure entirely at the compiler level. The type info. is discarded from within the bytecodes (i.e. List<String> & List have identical bytecodes). This also causes the non-reifiable behaviour of Generic types, i.e. the inability to determine the type info. from the bytecode at runtime. (Note that Arrays are reifiable as shown in E.g. 2 above).

The PECS rule is therefore to make the compiler operate defensively.  Once type info has been associated with a given Collection via Generics, the PECS restriction is there to enable compile time detection of potential unsafe usage.

Friday, January 20, 2012

SEDA - Staged Event Driven Architecture

Welsh, Culler, Brewer's paper at SOSP-01 introduces the concepts around SEDA lucidly. SEDA, in my experience, has been a good architectural choice for building scalable back-end systems. SEDA based systems, not only scale well, but also have trackability, failure recovery, load balancing, etc. introduced very easily/ naturally into the system along the stage boundaries. 

Monday, January 2, 2012


The intent of this blog is to show a way forward around the complex world of algorithms. Will also be delving into other areas of computer science, distributed systems, architecture, FOSS every now and then. So happy reading.