Showing posts with label causation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label causation. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019

AB Testing To Establish Causation

A/B testing is a form of testing performed to compare the effectiveness of different versions of a product with randomly distributed (i.i.d.) end-user groups. Each group gets to use only one version of the product. Assignment of any particular user to a specific group is done at random, without any biases, etc. User composition of the different groups are assumed to be similar, to the extent that switching the version of the products between any two groups at random would make no difference to the overall results of the test.

A/B testing is an example of a simple randomized control trial . This sort of tests help establish causal relationship between a particular element of change & the measured outcome. The element of change could be something like change of location of certain elements of a page, adding/ removing a feature of the product, conversion rate, and so on. The outcome could be to measure the impact on additional purchase, clicks, time of engagement, etc.

During the testing period, users are at randomly assigned to the different groups. The key aspect of the test is the random assignment of users being done in real-time of otherwise similar users, so that no other unknown confounding factors (demographics, seasonality, tech. competence, background, etc.) have no impact on the test objective. When tested with a fairly large number of users, almost every group will end-up with a good sample of users that are representative of the underlying population.

One of the groups (the control group) is shown the baseline version (maybe an older version of an existing product) of the product against which the alternate versions are compared. For every group the proportions of users that fulfilled the stated objective (purchased, clicked, converted, etc.) is captured.

The proportions (pi) are then used to compute the test statistics Z-value (assuming a large normally distributed user base), confidence intervals, etc. The null hypothesis being that the proportions (pi) are all similar/ not significantly different from the proportion of the control group (pc).

For the two version A/B test scenario

   Null hypothesis H0(p1 = pc) vs. the alternate hypothesis H1(p1 != pc).

   p1 = X1/ N1 (Test group)
   pc = Xc/ Nc (Control group)
   p_total = (X1 + Xc)/(N1 + Nc) (For the combined population) ,
            where X1, Xc: Number of users from groups test & control that fulfilled the objective,
                & N1, Nc: Total number of users from test & control group

  Z = Observed_Difference / Standard_Error
    = (p1 - pc)/ sqrt(p_total * (1 - p_total) * (1/N1 + 1/Nc))

The confidence level for the computed Z value is looked up in a normal table. Depending upon whether it is greater than 1.96 (or 2.56) the null hypothesis can be rejected with a confidence level of 95% (or 99%, or higher). This would indicate that the behavior of the test group is significantly different from the control group, the likely cause for which being the element of change brought in by the alternate version of the product. On the other hand, if the Z value is less than 1.96, the null hypothesis is not rejected & the element of change not considered to have made any significant impact on fulfillment of the stated objective.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mendelian Randomization

The second law of Mendelian inheritance is about independent assortment of alleles at the time of gamete (sperm & egg cells) formation. Therefore within the population of any given species, genetic variants are likely to be distributed at random, independent of any external factors. This insight forms the basis of Mendelian Randomization (MR) technique, typically applied in studies of epidemiology.

Studies of epidemiology try to establish the causal link (given some known association) between a particular risk factor & a disease. For e.g. smoking to cancer, blood pressure to stroke, etc. The association in many cases is found to be non-causal, or reverse causal, etc. Establishing the true effect becomes challenging due to the presence of confounding factors such as social, behavioral, environmental, physiological, etc. MR helps to tackle the confounding factors in such situations.

In MR, genetic variants (polymorphism) or genotype that have an effect similar to the risk factor/ exposure are identified. An additional constraint being that the genotype must not have any direct influence on the disease. Existence of genotype in the population is random, independent of any external influence. So presence (or absence) of disease within the population possessing the genotype, establishes (or refutes) that the risk factor/ effect is actually the cause for the disease. Several researches based on Mendelian randomization have been done  successfully.

Example 1: There could be a study to establish the causal relationship (given observed association) between raised cholesterol levels & chronic heart disease (CHD). Given the presence of several confounding factors such as age, physiology, smoking/ drinking habits, reverse causation (CHD causing raised cholesterol), etc., MR approach would be beneficial.

The approach would be to identify a genotype/ gene variant that is known to be linked to an increase in total cholesterol levels (but has no direct bearing on CHD). The propensity for CHD is tested for all subjects having the particular genotype, which if/ when found much higher than the general population (not possessing the gene variant) establishes that raised cholesterol levels have a causal relationship with CHD.

Instrumental Variables

MR is an application of the statistical technique of instrumental variables (IV) estimation. IV technique is also used to establish causal relationships in the presence of confounding factors.

When applied to regression models, IV technique is particularly beneficial when the explanatory variable (covariates) are correlated with the error term & give biased results. The choice of IV is such that it only induces changes in the explanatory variables, without having any independent effect on dependent variables. The IV must not be correlated to the error term. Selecting an IV that fulfills these criterias is largely done through an analytical process supported by some observational data, & by leveraging relevant priors about the field of study.

Equating MR to IV 
  • Risk Factor/ Effect = Explanatory Variable, 
  • Disease = Dependent Variable
  • Genotype = Instrument Variable 
Selection of genotype (IV) is based on prior knowledge of genes, from existing sources, literature, etc.