For anyone installing the plugin SexyPolling 4.1.7 on a Joomla 4.3.4 with a MySql 8.0 db on an Ubuntu system there may be issues with default value for Text fields. More specifically error in setting default value for country, city, etc TEXT fields:
"BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'country' can't have a default value"
1) There is a solution for MySql 8.0 to set DEFAULT values for TEXT fields. The CREATE statement for table `#_sexy_votes` needs to be changed to:
// Modify the sexypolling plugin CREATE TABLE script:
CREATE TABLE `#_sexy_votes` (
`id_vote` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`country` text NOT NULL DEFAULT (_utf8mb4'Unknown'),
`city` text NOT NULL DEFAULT (_utf8mb4'Unknown'),
`region` text NOT NULL DEFAULT (_utf8mb4'Unknown'),
`countrycode` text NOT NULL DEFAULT (_utf8mb4'Unknown'),
PRIMARY KEY (`id_vote`),
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_general_ci;
Further, in order for the CREATE table changes to take effect & not get dropped/ altered, a few of the plugin's installer scripts needs to be modified. The installation then needs to be done from a folder (or a modified zip file) in which the modified plugin installer scripts are present (instead of the downloaded file), as explained next.
2) Installation of plugin from /tmp folder
2.1) Unzip the downloaded file to the site /tmp folder as mentioned in the site configuration.php file (e.g. /var/www/html/<site_name>/tmp). Give the folder proper read/write permissions.
2.2) Change CREATE TABLE `#_sexy_votes` command in /tmp/com_sexypolling/admin/install/sql/install.sql:
Set the DEFAULT value for country, city, region, countrycode to "DEFAULT (_utf8mb4'Unknown')" as mentioned above.
2.3) Remove ALTER TABLE `#_sexy_votes` command from /tmp/com_sexypolling/scriptfile.php.
Put an invalid condition check on line 235 of the script to stop ALTER TABLE for `#_sexy_votes` to run:
if($alterSexyVotes && is_array($columns_titles)) {
2.4) Finally, install:
- Option A: Install from modified com_sexypolling folder: Install the extension from the folder /tmp/com_sexypolling from the J! "Admin" > "System" > "Install Extensions" > "Install from Folder" page.
- Option B: Zip & Install modified com_sexypolling folder: Another option could be to manually zip the folder with the modifications (/tmp/com_sexypolling) & install using this zip file from the standard J! "Admin" > "System" > "Install Extensions" > "Upload Package File" page.
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