Friday, September 30, 2022

Presentation to Image Converter

This article explains how to convert PPT/ Impress (Libreoffice) presentation file(s) to JPG Image(s) in a *NIX (Ubuntu) environment. Presentation file can be made up of several (N) slides which after final conversion yields one JPG image per slide (N JPG files).

Prerequisites software:

  • libreoffice
  • pdftoppm

 Conversion Process:

   PPT            --->     PDF           ----> JPG

   (N-slides)          (N-pages)          ----> JPG


                                                              ----> JPG (N-JPG files, one per slide)

Steps to Convert

1. Convert PPT file to PDF

$ libreoffice --convert-to pdf "fileName.ppt" --outdir "outputFolderName"

(Note: For the given input file name fileName.ppt, this script creates an output file fileName.pdf in the specified outdir.)

2. Convert PDF to JPG

$ pdftoppm -jpeg -r 200 "outputFolderName/fileName.pdf" "imagePrefix_"

(Note: Image prefix is a text that can be added to the image file names.)

Finally, these steps are put to a shell script to allow it to convert all Presentations newly added to a folder inside called "PRESENTATIONS/Active/" in the user's Home folder.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Tesseract that "quirky command-line tool that does an outstanding job" (credit A. Kay) truly works well.  Give it a shot whenever you get the opportunity.

Sample commands for ref:

  •    tesseract IMG-1.jpg IMG-1 --psm 4
  •    tesseract -l eng IMG-2.jpg b1

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Marble's Equity Distribution Model

The Marble's Equity Distribution model can be used by very early stage founders to fairly split equity among themselves. The key aspect of the model is to split the Equity across the founders based on their contributions to different Areas such as Sales, Marketing, Technology, etc (see Col. 'Area'), where each Area is assigned a relative weight (see Col. 'AreaContrib').

For the calculation shown below, number of founders is set as N=3, with the weight of the Marble W=2. In a hypothetical set-up all founders contribute equally to every area, the Equity split per head in that case is 32 (see Col. 'AreaContribPerFounder') or the Marble split per head is 16 (see Col. 'MarblePerAreaContribFounder').  

However, in reality the 1st founder (Fndr_1) is more of a Ops., Customer Support, HR generalist with some prior domain knowledge and the idea. Fndr_2 is the technologist with some strategy & management experience expected to come up with smart digital solutions. Fndr_3 carries wide Sales, Marketing, Ops, experience along with the Relations among the Investor. Fndr_3 also brought in the lions share of the initial seed capital used to boot the startup.

After the re-balancing of the marbles the Final Equity distribution stands at 23, 33 & 44 for the three founders. A further 5 - 7 % of re-balancing could take place depending upon the discussions and negotiations between the founders. While there is a no correct way of equity distribution having a framework like the Marble Equity Distribution helps to keep the process objective and free from let downs, clashes and unfairness.

S.No Area AreaContrib AreaContribPerFounder
= AreaContrib/ NoFounders
= AreaContribPerFounder
/ WeightMarble
Fndr_1 Fndr_2 Fndr_3
1 Sales 22 7 3.5 0 -3.5 3.5
2 Marketing 10 3 1.5 -1.5 -1 2.5
3 Technology 20 7 3.5 -3.5 7 -3.5
4 Operations,
Customer Support
10 3 1.5 0.5 -1 0.5
5 HR 10 3 1.5 -1 2 -1
6 Legal 3 1 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 1
7 Finance, Payroll 5 2 1 -1 -1 2
8 Investor Relations,
10 3 1.5 -1.5 -1 2.5
9 Initial Investment,
Seed Capital
10 3 1.5 -1.5 -1 2.5
10 Total 100 32 16 -10 0 10
11 Initial Distribution

33 33 34
12 Final Distribution

23 33 44

NoFounders (N) 3

WeightMarble (W) 2


Monday, January 10, 2022

Water Crisis

At a time when major cities across India like Bangalore and Delhi are experiencing a major water crisis, critical interventions are the need of the hour. For what could work one should look at fellow nation South Africa for their handling the Day Zero crisis. The day when there is no more portable water available for use by the citizen. Here's some related coverage "Day Zero: Where Next?" ( & "Bengaluru is dying of thirst because it’s drinking its own Kool-Aid" (

Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifiers are both a boon & bane for the average household. Whith supply water TDS remaining way way above the palatable levels, ordinary non-RO basic filteration machines are rendered useless. But then RO machines end up throwing away waste water to the levels of about 5 - 10 litres (depending upon various factors) for every litre of drinking water purified. A criminal waste of the precious resource!

RO Water Recycling Bucket

Now we've been recycling the RO Waste water for other household cleaning, watering, etc purposes. This process might take you back in time to the days of filling up buckets of water from the supply line (a reality for many to this day), well, etc for use. Though a bit cumbersome this recycling bit works. In a span of one day we may be able to collect about 2 - 3 buckets (30 - 40 litres) of water which would otherwise have gone down the drain. All said and done, it's well worth the effort!