Sunday, April 8, 2018

Application Security & OWASP

Lots of applications get developed these days to make the life of customers easy & comfortable. However, a cause for concern is the general lack of awareness of security aspects among app developers. As a result unsafe & buggy apps get released to production by the dozens.

Have come across quite a few such apps in recent times & duly reported them to the respective support/ dev teams. While some of these will get fixed, there does appear to be a lack of knowledge of security issues among the  teams. Had they known they would have mostly got it right upfront. Retrospective patching while common for newly discovered vulnerabilities, is no substitute for incorporating current standards & best practices that are well researched & documented.

OWASP is one of the leading open standards on security vulnerabilities. OWASP Top-10 Application Security Risks (latest: 2017) include things like Injection, Broken Authentication, Sensitive Data Exposure, etc. There's a whole bunch of material available online including an e-book with details & fixes for the vulnerabilities for the different stake-holders of the app. These are like the safety-belts that must be incorporated in all apps before allowing them to go-live.

Another major cause for widespread security issues in apps is the use of vulnerable frameworks & third party libraries by them. Buggy Javascript (JS) libraries are particularly guilty of pushing vulnerabilities down to apps. 

As per the Northeastern University research of outdated Javascript libraries on the web, of 133K websites evaluated 37% included at least one vulnerable library:
  - "not only website administrators, but also the dynamic architecture and developers of third-party services are to blame for the Web’s poor state of library management"
  - "libraries included transitively, or via ad and tracking code, are more likely to be vulnerable"

RetireJS initiative keeps a tab on the vulnerabilities in the JS libraries. As do the OWASP cheat sheets on 3rd Party JS & AJAX Security. Static analysers, security testing, sand-boxed executions, etc. are typical ways to address client side JS security vulnerabilities.

Security issues are equally widespread in frameworks & libraries from other languages. Java & Scala are fairly well covered by OWASP (though .Net, Php, etc. aren't). Evaluations of Java Spring framework against OWASP Top-10, listing of Java security framework, hdiv & Scala Frameworks provide context on how best to address security issues in some very popular frameworks.

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