The Hive Metastore holds various meta information about Hive tables such as schema names, table names, partitions, fields, permissions, and so on. The metastore is built in a schema within a relational database, outside of Hive, and accessed via services by Hive clients. An embedded Derby database is configured as the default database for experimentation purposes, and must be changed over to something like MySql, Postgre, etc. for production use.
The Hive Metastore ER diagram is fairly straightforward. Once familiar with the schema, it is easy to query the metastore for information about the Hive tables. Here's a sample query to identify all Partitioned tables from a given Hive databases:
The Hive Metastore ER diagram is fairly straightforward. Once familiar with the schema, it is easy to query the metastore for information about the Hive tables. Here's a sample query to identify all Partitioned tables from a given Hive databases: